Our Coaching Process

Our coaching process starts with an initial, no-cost assessment meeting. We meet with you the first time for free to get to know you, understand your situation and your goals. Based on the initial assessment, we will then outline a coaching program tailor made just for you.

Our basic program provides…

that we meet once per month, generally from one to one and half hours. We will meet with you in your home, or we will offer up our home as the meeting site or another mutually agreeable location. The tenants of our program involve establishing an emergency fund, elimination of debt, budgeting and savings. The budget is key, and you will develop one every single month, with our help along the way. At the end of each month, we will assess actual expenditures versus the plan (ie. the budget) and make the necessary adjustments going forward. Life happens!

We all deal with curve balls, surprises and emotional decisions that we might regret later.

Adjustments generally mean behavioral changes. This is called the PDCA cycle:

Freedom Solutions Financial Coaching; Financial Program; budget

By the end of six months…

we will have developed a game plan to eliminate debt, save money, invest and grow your money, protect your money and much more.  This will be your plan, not ours.  There are options to extend the coaching beyond six months, but we feel like most people understand the process and have the confidence to stay with it on their own.  But we’re always there for you, just a phone call away.

Our coaching process draws on many schools of thought but there are three that are primary in our coaching process. The first is often called “What Would Dave Do?”. We are believers in the Dave Ramsey and Ramsey Solutions methodologies. We did not have a financial coach on our journey, but we spent many hours reading, listening and studying materials by the Ramsey Group and we want to give them credit where credit is due. The next school of thought is Minimalism. Not that we live in a 200 square foot home with 2 forks, 2 spoons and 2 knives but we believe in simple living. Less is more! This thinking applies to every area of your life and results in a lot of joy and peace. Lastly, Steve draws on almost 40 years of business experience as a manager where Lean Manufacturing principles have led to maximum efficiencies and minimal costs. The principals apply at home just as they do in the workplace.

We can’t wait to start working with you!

If this plan looks like something you or your family needs, we’d love to help transform your life!

Reach out to us through the button below and we’ll get started!